Saturday Jun 23, 2018

Pre Framing essentials for your MA Schools

In this episode, martial arts expert Gordon Burcham discusses the importance of educating and pre-framing parents of martial arts students, to ensure the ‘pick up, put down’ mentality of children doesn’t hinder their development in the martial arts world.


Kids Don’t Quit, Parents Give Up: With a wide variety of opportunities for children, why are adults getting lazy with their children? Parents make up excuses as to why they have to stop their children doing martial arts because of the ‘pick up and put down’ mentality that exist in parents minds when faced with the many opportunities available to their children.

Martial arts is not a month or two, it’s a lifelong journey.It often takes years and years for a child to complete their journey through martial arts, however parents rarely know this at the start. Martial arts are so important for development and adults need educating on the longevity of martial arts to ensure their child has all the opportunity to excel. Gordon believes that martial arts are the number one activity for kids.

Welcome Meetings: 5 or 10 minute welcome meetings pre-frame parents on martial arts when their child enrols. Many parents don’t understand the transformation process and it’s important to communicate with parents so they understand the journey. These meetings can be one-to-one sit down meetings or group meetings with multiple parents at the same time. It’s here you can educate and pre-frame these parents on the journey of martials arts.

Never Quitting! So often children will attempt to negotiate their way out of a hobby, maybe after a few weeks or maybe after a few years. When a child first picks up martial arts, it’s going to be hot and they’re going to love it however, kids these days pick up and put down far too easily. Those that have gone through the journey know how important martial arts is and can explain how many children have gone through the ups and downs of the sport and are now black belt instructors and winners in life.

Ethos: A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins!

Pre-Framing: Constantly communicating with parents, seeing where they are on their journey in classes and one-on-one is a fantastic way of gaining retention from students. Re-affirm the importance of never quitting every few weeks and sticking at it. Children are young and positive reinforcement to keep the student engaged is very important.


The ‘Funny’ Stage:If you’re child is feeling disengaged with martial arts and suggesting they want to quit the sport during one of the low points on their journey, talk to Sensei and figure out how to inspire and get them back into the classes.

When they’re low, we’ve got to dig them up and when they’re high we’ve got to keep pushing them up!

Praise Your Children! Affirm to parents that they must praise their kids, big them up – don’t bring them down. Educate parents that isn’t not always a competition, it’s about the journey. As a martial arts school, it’s important we affirm (us as teachers and they as parents) in classes that we are there to help them on their own journey through martial arts.


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Gordon Burcham has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age.

In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.

Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business-side of the MA industry.
He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.

His is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!


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