Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Leadership in You
In this episode, Gordon provides us with an insight into the vital importance of understanding and learning to lead yourself so that you can be an effective leader of others.
If you want to understand more about how to be a leader who can successfully influence others listen in now.
- The Importance of being a leader
Being a leader is not only about leading others but also about learning to lead yourself.
Human beings are not always good at leading themselves and it is easier to lead others forward telling them how to do it than it is to look to lead yourself.
- Work harder on yourself than you do on anything else
Work hard on changing how you see your students, the way you are, the way you react and how you see life and then everything around you changes.
It always starts with you.
Many people around the world are focused on changing circumstances, changing what has happened, changing other people. You can’t change other people you can only change yourself and how you react.
Fundamentally we are in control of our destiny, we have the power to choose what happens and how we react to any situation.
If you work on you, everything changes ask yourself what do I need?, what do I lack?, what do I need to change?
- Learning to lead yourself
Real leaders lead they don’t tell, a real leader puts their white belt on every day.
Real leaders understand and strive to learn, to evolve, to make changes to grow and learn every day.
In your business, you are the biggest barrier to the business moving forward
You must learn to lead yourself and lead others through what you do.
Ask yourself frequently - What do I need to change to get to where I want to be?
You may need to step outside of yourself and look at where you want to be, stop getting on your own way and move forward to realise your dreams.
As a Martial Arts business you get to change people’s lives, you can serve humanity, serve your community and serve yourself.
‘Start challenging yourself’
‘There are no limits, only the those you create for yourself’
‘Get out there and start leading’
‘We only live here once’
‘What excuses are you making every day, change your mindset and you can change the outcome’
‘Stand up and be the warrior you are, be the leader’
‘If you are on the mats your body and mind are strong and you will be bobbing and weaving to stay in control’
‘The journey of life, every day is a battle’
‘We’re crazy, it's hard but very rewarding’
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years’ experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from a bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, with his MA school currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become a Black belt in Business
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
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