Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
How to Retain More Members
Retention is about providing world-class customer service and memorable experiences. Learn how to grow your school and retain your members in today’s episode of the Martial Arts Business Podcast. Find out why retention starts with onboarding, how to create a roadmap for your members and why the experience is fundamental to your members.
- You’ve got to have a balance of members if you want to grow your school. You need to be signing up more new members than existing members leaving but this can be hard at scale. So you need to understand the reasons why some people leave and how you can improve the onboarding experience and increase retention.
- Retention starts at the beginning and this can be achieved by pre-framing the onboarding of new members. Aim to provide your members with a roadmap of what they will achieve within your school, identify the skills and personal development at each stage and help them understand the full customer journey.
- If you provide world-class customer service and create world-class experiences for your members you will retain more members. It’s important to focus on how you make your members feel because if they feel at home, happy and that they're learning and developing then your members will want to stay.
- Recognising your members with personalised events, grading and workshops is key to building an excellent customer journey and using your CRM system to communicate regularly with your members helps the mto feel engaged, loved and part of your martial arts family.
“It’s good bringing new members into your school but not if you’re losing them in the backend.”
“You can't save everybody but you can plug some holes in a leaky bucket.”
“The customer journey is essential to attracting members and parents that are confident that their kids will develop at your school.”
“The world-class customer service and experience that you create is massively important.”
The Business of Martial Arts by Gordon Burcham
Gordon Burcham is a best-selling author, 3 x World martial arts champion, and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years of experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed.
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