Saturday Jun 23, 2018
Conversation for Conversion
Rapport building and asking great questions. This is absolutely huge when converting prospects from an enquiry into an actual prospect and then into a join-up. This is a skillset that I've been nurturing, especially in the last two or three years. These skills shared today will enhance your conversions, help you with your staff, members and anyone who comes to your centre.
Any business is essentially a relationship business. What you're doing is that people buy people, they're buying the relationship that they have and they buy from people they like.
When people are scrolling through their social media accounts quickly and stop and take time on your advert, you're blessed. If they take the time to comment, then they've seen their pain in your advert and see the solution with you.
Strike up great communications on feed and messages.Build rapport, use the seven points of contact. When you meet someone for the first time, there's always a barrier. When you ask open ended questions and get a conversion going, you start to relax and your shoulders drop. You open up more.
If a customer asks you, "How much is it?" You can answer by saying "Thank you for your enquiry. For me to help you the most effectively, can I ask you, what interested you in this program?" This way you can get a conversation flowing and mirror their needs back to them and serve them better.
How, Why, What, Where, When & Which.They're all you need. It's crazy, but that's all you need in your conversation. Avoid asking closed ended questions as you will receive short answers.
If you have 3 different payment options, go through them."This is our leisure package, this one you can save £120 by paying for 6 months, then there's the premium package with everything included. Which package suits you best?"
Listen to every single prospect, serve them and give them what they want, you'll convert those people. Ask people within your centre through a poll or survey what they want, you'll get a great retention rate too.
Rapport building is absolutely and massively important when you want to run a business. You must learn to ask questions and listen.
The exchange of money for a product or service is to solve a pain in some way. People aren't good at martial arts if they don't need martial arts. People don't get a haircut if they don't need one, etc.
Gordon Burcham has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age.
In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business-side of the MA industry.
He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
His is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
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