Martial Arts Business Podcast

Helping martial arts club owners grow, develop and scale their schools with marketing, retention, systems, staff, branding, social media and much more. Giving you the tools and skills to become a black belt in business. Gordon Burcham’s your host, he’s a 3x world Martial Arts Champion, award-winning school owner, successful business coach and No.1 bestselling author.

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Friday Feb 15, 2019

In this episode, Gordon discusses the ying and yang of martial arts and the really cool people with Chris Jones fellow Martial Arts Podcaster. Chris shares his journey and they discuss where next for the Martial Arts Business. Listen in to find out more.
Where did it all start for Chris Jones?
I saw people going to Martial Arts classes and people on television I attended an MA demonstration and never looked back.
A career as a stunt man
I was captured by the performance element of Martial Arts and sent lots of videos out and it resulted in some fantastic opportunities.
After my son was born my priorities changed and I didn’t want to be away from family
Online for Martial Arts
People had been asking me to do it for a long time. I just needed to get out of my own way
I was worried about being judged but far more people have contacted me to say it has helped them.
I decided I needed to have a video record of everything I could do, so it’s there forever. The only thing that stopped me was fear of being judged but you need to create assets for yourself and get it online for the future.
The online videos were originally intended to help people see how they could do things if they had experienced an injury. It’s now developed into a starting point for people.
Where do you think Martial Arts worldwide is going?
It’s at a turning point, the internet is a great thing and has made things much more transparent in the industry.
There is something out there for everybody so it’s just about positive growth.
What does martial arts look like in 10 years?
People can be scared by the terms professionalism and customer service, sometimes people feel you’re losing the essence of your art.
Within the next ten years schools need to embrace the same approaches as other industries.
‘The best people earn the least’
‘It’s all starting to come together’
‘I saw myself as the karate kid’
'I was making videos of myself and sending them off'
‘Either to enjoy it or to learn from it’
‘People have got this hunger for it’
'Good opportunity for Martial Arts'
‘This is how I’ve changed to be able to do the things I want to do’
‘People can research things more’
'Sometimes although our motives are good it can create negativity’
'We need to be that positive beacon of awesomeness'
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years’ experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from a bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, with his MA school currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become a Black belt in Business
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
support@mabusinessmastery.comSee for privacy information.

Wednesday Feb 06, 2019

In this episode, Gordon interviews Martial Arts Superstar Zara Phythian a powerhouse in the MA world.
To find out what it takes to run a successful Martial Arts School, a business and work as an Actor whilst continuing with your training tune in.
I began Martial Arts classes when I was 7 and started competing at 13 years old. I was 20 when I opened my own Martial Arts School.
I was scouted and as a result, travelled to the US to be in a film that was being made there. My performance was shocking, but I loved the experience. When I came home I began to learn my craft through acting lessons and stunt work. I have since worked my way up through the ranks.
I now balance my career and passion, currently combining training, running my Martial Arts School with my business and acting.
Martial Arts is a passion of mine and at a young age, it gave me phenomenal confidence. Now seeing students in my school grow is an incredibly rewarding experience.
‘Treat people the way you want to be treated’ is the mantra I live by. I want to get along with everyone and am as open and friendly as I can be.
Friendship and respect for each other are really important to me, we preach about this to our students so we should be acting on it also.
Martial Arts Business
Other Martial Arts schools are not your competition it’s the other sports. There are enough people for every Martial Arts school owner. We can all grow together in the industry and improve standards.
To ensure that as a business community we are taken more seriously we need to implement standards for areas such as safeguarding and health and safety across all MA schools.
Most Martial Arts classes are personality based, implementing robust training programmes will bring through instructors with the same passion, vision and understanding as you. The result will be a school that can run successfully in your absence, allowing you to grow the business.
Martial Arts Evolving
To meet the needs of communities MA schools will need to offer a wider range of classes and the online elements will continue to grow.
Moving forward it is hugely important that Martial Arts are represented positively with all types of events being good quality.
‘People always remember the way you made them feel and the way you treated them’
‘Focus on what you want to do – learn about the business’
‘Standardisation will enable MA to be seen as viable business’
‘They need to focus on becoming black belts in business’
‘The beauty of Martial Arts is that we can help with any pain or need’
‘You epitomise what Martial Arts people should all be like’
‘For me it's about keeping doors open’
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years’ experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from a bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, with his MA school currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
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Friday Feb 01, 2019

Friday Feb 01, 2019

In this episode, Gordon answers questions from his Martial Arts Business Facebook community and shares with us a powerful mantra that we can use to take action and move forward now!
Listen in to find out what you can do in your business now, to make sure that 2019 is the year you are moving up to the next level.
Screw It, Let's Do It
If you decide to start something take action right away. Don’t underestimate what you can do, but recognise the biggest challenge is taking the first step, so taking action immediately is vital.
You are going to be met by challenges along the way and they are there to test how much you want it. When challenges come along embrace them, understanding that each one overcome will move you closer to what you want.
What Facebook Marketing Should I Be Doing In January?
January is the Its easiest time in the year to market as people are seeking opportunities to change and get fit in a new year.
This year personal branding is going to be key so advertising using both picture and video will help introduce you and help clients understand who you are.
To build business at this time of the year boot camps and low entry offers for kids can be effective. Free first session offers will help engage people and provide you with an opportunity to communicate face to face.
When Should You Move to a Bigger Space?
When all your classes are full, and you can’t get any more in.
If you overstay in a particular space then you can lose business due to the environment. You will know because you will feel it – at this point start looking for something else.
How do I Double my Numbers as Quickly as Possible?
Get into schools – every school in your local area and look at how you can influence the people in your network who haven’t joined yet. For every individual, there are parents, sisters and brothers who are potential clients.
Consider how you can incentivise; orientations and free introductory sessions provide the opportunity for face to face time.
How you communicate with clients and how you build relationships with them is key to them encouraging others in their network.
How can I Maintain Motivation Throughout the Year?
Self-talk – at the end of each day envisage drawing a line in the sand and walking over it, tomorrow is a different day and every day is a new start.
It’s important not to take baggage into a new day so throw it away at the end of each day so that you can make a new start every day.
‘I don’t ponder and think I take action right away’
‘The biggest barrier to anything is you’
‘This will be a magnificent year if you chose it to be’
‘You’ll be in it and you will find a way to get through to the other side’
‘Whenever you get a challenge remember ‘screw it, let’s do it’ and get started’
‘Sometimes it’s so simple people don’t do it’
‘You have to put in great things to get great things out ‘
‘You are the Picasso of your life’
‘You can have each day the way you want’
‘Live life with love’
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years’ experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from a bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, with his MA school currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
support@mabusinessmastery.comSee for privacy information.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019

Do you get flustered of what to do next for your Martial Arts School? For most of us, New Year means New Plans.
In this episode of the Martial Arts Business Podcast, Gordon lists the 10 things you need to consider when you want to maximise your MA School this year. It’s okay to admit that you’re still having doubts and even don’t have definite plans for the entire year. Let Gordon help you about it. Growing your martial arts business is a serious matter. It’s a process that involves thorough preparations and planned paddling through the waters. So, make sure to tune in to get a hold on great tips for your business.
You need a BIG plan. Get as detailed as possible when you make plans, so it’s easier to follow and understand. Go beyond what you think you can do. Go bigger and be bolder.
You got to have a reason – a big WHY. What is the reason that gives you a good night sleep and makes you wake up energetically? That’s the reason that can push you more than anything.
Market effectively. Don’t be a lazy marketer – i.e. posting on Facebook and waiting for it to get traction. Marketing effectively is going to be key if you want to grow anything.
Focus on the right things. There should be no excuses. Prioritise what should be done to get the results you want.
You need to be disciplined in this business. There will be challenges and distractions that will come your way.
You need to get accountability. You need a great mentor, or someone’s who’s gonna hold you accountable.
Knowledge is the key. Learn new things. Read on what could help you grow your school. Schedule your online lessons, coaching sessions, etc. regularly.
Be honest with yourself. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses. Know your limits also so you know where you can focus.
Invest time in yourself. There’s no magic pill to make sure you make time in improving yourself. Don’t waste it on things that won’t help you develop your school.
Have the right mindset. Stay positive while remaining realistic. Believe that you can achieve what you want.
“Realistic goals are the things you think you can achieve.”
“Your present is where you create your future.”
“Working for yourself, being a martial arts instructor, building your own school, trying to build your own business… you are your own boss.”
“Smart, hard work gets results and invested time in the right areas will get you good results.”
G Force Martial Arts
Gordon Burcham is a best-selling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20-years experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed.
G Force Martial Arts
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Friday Jan 25, 2019

Making your New Year’s Resolution isn’t overrated. This helps you commit to your goals – small or big – for the entire year If you haven’t made your list yet, it isn’t too late!
In this episode of Martial Arts Business Podcast, Gordon is persuading you to be bolder and dream bigger for the year 2019. This is the right time to set to achieve more goals, aim for self-growth, and grow your business. Don’t mind the people who say making up a list of goals at the start of the year will not work. It will… You just have to commit it. Gordon gives great tips on how you can start your year right so make sure to tune in.
There is competition. You have to think differently than the rest. You have to be more implanting than the rest. You have to act and do differently.
Look at both failures and achievements. Aim to be wiser, more knowledgeable, and more motivated in the future. Think. What do you truly want? and how you can serve that need?
Your business serves your lifestyle. Don’t let it rule your life. It serves Gordon by helping his clients and other people.
Gordon’s pieces of advice on how to start the year:
He wants to commit and enjoy the school holidays off with his family. If his kids are on vacation, he’ll leave everything behind and bond with his kids.
What is it you want to be? Start acting like it right now. Start being it right now. Take a whiff of how it smells like, have a taste of how it tastes like.
Never create any limit. Look at your goals and ask yourself: are they easy to attain? Can you do more? Challenge yourself to do more.
Be brutally honest with yourself. Acknowledge what you still need to learn and what you have already achieved.
"You gotta use your time wisely."
“It allows you to create a clean slate… 365 days to go out, dominate your life, and create the life you truly deserve.”
“How do you become a black belt? You train like a black belt, you act like a black belt, you have the attitude like a black belt… you then become a black belt.”
“What is it you want to be in 2019? Start acting like it right now.”
“Although people set goals. These goals are easy to set. It’s what you do with those goals that make it
G Force Martial Arts
Gordon Burcham is a best-selling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20-years experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed.
G Force Martial Arts
See for privacy information.

Gordons Passion Post

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019

This episode sees a very passionate Gordon explain the vital importance of perception when presenting and marketing your Martial Arts school. He explains why it’s crucial to ‘get out of your own egos way’ in order to increase your customer base and realise the potential of your business.
Image is everything and key to the type of people you will attract to your business. There are both individual and franchise martial arts businesses’ and it’s important to look at the different ways each does something well. Everyone has something to great to offer.
There is a misconception within the martial arts community that if you teach good martial arts people will come to your school. It is how you market your school that attracts people initially and brings them in.
Perception is everything in today’s society and this is especially important when presenting your martial arts shop front. If the perception is of intimidating fighters, you will only attract those types of people.
Increasing your customer base can be achieved by marketing your martial arts as an accessible and quality experience that is safe and fun.
It is vital that you ensure your potential customers understand what is on offer. It is easy to create a barrier to attending because marketing does not promote a clear understanding of what’s available and how easily it can be accessed.
Having levels within your school enables you to work with individuals at entry level and also maintain an elite level for your fighters. This approach brings everyone in at entry level (commercial) and puts them on an individual journey that can then move through to elite.
‘Do not rely on how good you are, who taught you or how much experience you have to attract people’
‘The delusion in the Martial Arts industry is that if you teach good martial arts people will come’
‘Get out of your own egos way’
‘Embrace the fact there is the enough for everyone’
‘Got to be about the people ‘
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years’ experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from a bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, with his MA school currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
Email: support@mabusinessmastery.comSee for privacy information.

Friday Dec 28, 2018

Welcome back to the Martial Arts Business podcast with your host Gordon Burcham. In this episode, Gordon goes through the various ways you can get your Martial Arts school off to a flying start in 2019. Gordon goes through the key elements of how to look back at 2018 with gratitude, understand your own reason ‘Why’ and how to set stretch goals for 2019? Get your 2019 off to a flying start with these key skills and tools.
Key Takeaways
Where Have You Been In The Last 12 months? December is a great time to reflect on the previous year. Reflect on every amazing success, every challenge and every failure that you have experienced. It’s a time to reflect and celebrate everything that you have learnt. As well as looking forward to what is going happen in 2019.
When You Are Setting Your Goals in 2019 Make Sure They Are Big? Make sure your goals are what you want, not what you think you can get. You need to stretch your vision and move away from any negative mindsets. There is no limit to what you can achieve, only the limits that you put on yourself.
What Is It That You Want To Experience In Life? When you are setting your goals make sure you think about what experiences you want in that year and align them. After you have set your big, visionary goals think about the practicalities. Who can I learn from? Who do I need to get involved? How much do I need to invest?
What Is The Reason Why You Want To Do It? It’s crucial to understand the reason why you want to do something. It’s this reason which is your fuel to get up early and work late. These reasons are often linked to your legacy, and are always linked to other people. This is part of what your bigger purpose is in life.
Commit First Then Figure Out The ‘How To’ After? This will mean that you are believing in yourself enough so that you are committing to a better future. This a change in mindset so that you can go out and get what you want.
Break The Plan Down. Sit down in a good environment, and plan out the year. Break down your vision to daily segments on how you will achieve your vision. Be disciplined in enacting your plan. Most importantly have fun in the excitement that a new year brings.
Best Moments
‘Look back at 2018 and see what you have learnt.’
‘If you have failed you have not stayed safe and moved outside of your comfort zone.’
‘Gratitude is really important in life.’
‘There is no limit to what you achieve.’
‘It’s ok to earn money to go and live the life you want.’
‘Set your goals big.’
‘Create your fun environment.’
‘Be prepared for the storms.’
‘There is no limit to what you can achieve, only the limits that you put on yourself.’
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
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Wednesday Dec 19, 2018

Welcome back to the Martial Arts Business podcast with your host Gordon Burcham. In this episode, Gordon gives you the essential skills, and top tips to make Facebook Live videos an essential part of your marketing strategy. Live videos get the best engagement on Facebook so can’t be ignored. Gordon goes through how you can leverage your time effectively to create live videos that increase your engagement reach and build a deeper connection with your customers.
Key Takeaways
Video Is An Essential Aspect Of Your Marketing Plan. People's behaviours are changing in how they interact with Facebook videos. There is vastly more engagement with video because there is a deeper connection with you as opposed to text and images. Facebook promotes live videos more than images and texts.
Live Video Is The Next Level. This is the next level, as it gives people want they want. This is a world of instant gratification. Live video gives people an instant connectiond an immediate response.
Your Creating A TV Channel. Your Facebook page is your own TV channel. It’s important to concentrate and focus on what your broadcasting. Live videos overcome the biggest barrier in marketing, gaining trust in the customer. They build a deeper connection with the customer and your current members.
Customers Want More Information. People are more sceptical in how they navigate markets now. Making lots of live videos mean that they can experience your classes, meet your staff and yourself before they buy a membership. This means that you will be gaining more and more people who like you. They can try before they buy
The More Real You Are, There Will Be A Better Connection. You can’t please everyone all of the time. People like consistency, for example, the Martial Arts school needs to be the same in real life as on the video. Be nice and welcoming but concentrate on that consistent offer.
There Are Lots Of Different Types of Videos That You Can Offer. You can offer tours of the school, testimonials, case studies with your members, and welcome videos. Introducing yourself and the team, and showcasing what you do consistently can be a great way to gain enquiries.
Live Videos Are Great For Retention. We notify anyone we are recording beforehand. Some parents don’t want them and they are opted out. Members who are videoed are like TV stars, they share it with their friends and are proud of what they have learnt.
Top Tips For Live Video.
Make sure that everyone knows that you are going live.
People watch back on live videos so you can reuse the content.
Make your video at least 2 minutes.
Move around and interact with your members.
Always have a call to action at the end of your video.
Remember anyone can learn to do this.
You can edit the video afterwards.
You can target specific content to the people who have watched the video afterwards.
Best Moments
‘There is a deeper connection to video.’
‘We buy from people.’
‘If you were offered facebook twenty years ago we would have taken it instantly.’
‘People trust live video the most.’
‘Live video allows people to try before they buy.’
‘You have to be consistent and persistent with your videos.’
‘This is a cheap method of marketing.’
‘It takes no more time, than delivering your class normally.’
‘It’s great leverage of your time.’
‘It’s way more powerful than any picture ad.’
‘You have to play the long game with facebook.’
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
See for privacy information.

Friday Dec 14, 2018

There's absolutely nothing wrong with treating a martial art school as a business and actually, if you want to take your martial arts school to another level, if you want to be a full-time instructor, if you've got a dream of being a full time, or owning hundreds of franchises around the world, or having one of the biggest schools in the UK or one of the biggest schools in America, whatever that is for you, you need to treat it like a business.KEY TAKEAWAYS
If you ever want to succeed in life, you should never treat your business like a hobby because if you treat it like a hobby, it will cost you much. You should treat your business or hobby as a business because if you treat it like a business, it will pay you like one.
When you want to run a business, you got to take yourself from doing it to working on it and with this in mind, be sure that you will always succeed in life.
Success in any kind of business in life requires that you have the knowledge and the skills to run that business effectively and efficiently. You have to get the knowledge and skills of running a business for you to be successful.
If you want school growth or growth of any other business, you need to become a master marketer, if you understand sales and marketing that is a business and everything else around that you build around it.
Education should be number one on your investment. You need to learn a lot on how to run a business for you to be successful in life and in your business. Getting a mentor, someone who can guide you is the fastest way to reach your dreams.
“Having martial arts as a hobby and actually running a martial art school as a hobby, there is nothing wrong with that at all.”
“Everyone has a right to make their own decisions in life.”
“No one is right or wrong.”
“If you treat your business like a business, it will pay you like one.”
“It’s only when they invest time and learning to become a business owner that you will be successful.”
“You have to work hard to get results.”
“Work smarter not harder.”
“There is no limit only the limit that you impose on yourself and when you create barriers to education you are stopping what you are destined or would be destined to have.”
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
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In Your Head YOU’RE Dead

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018

Wednesday Dec 12, 2018

Welcome to another episode of the Martial Arts Business Podcast. Today, the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner, Gordon shares with you a great analogy that goes; In your head, you’re dead.
In your head you're dead is such a great analogy when it comes to living life and in your business. The mindset is the biggest thing that gets you up the barriers, the problem is your mind screws you up, if you ever want to succeed in life, always try to feed your mind with the positive things and not the negative things.
Your thoughts your problem it's not the doing it's not your subconscious it's you doing we all know that your subconscious is the most powerful thing you have.
When there are no thoughts, there are no problems because it's in the mind, in your thoughts, it's in your head, and this is where you are dead, where you're thinking.
The only way to get rid of that is to not think and that's very difficult and that’s why it’s important to do meditation or Buddhism for you to be able to control your mind on what to think.
When you want something and you want to do it, get out of your head and then you've got to go and do it. If you ever want to succeed in life, you've got to do that which you want to be done and not just sit there and thinking of that idea and thinking of how you will implement it.
If you keep learning, you're going to keep growing and then you absolutely will succeed.
“In your head, you’re dead.”
“The mindset is the biggest thing that gets you up the barriers.”
“Your thoughts your problem.”
“In the doing is where you learn it's not in the thought.”
Gordon Burcham is the bestselling author, 3 x World martial arts champion and award-winning Martial arts school owner. He has helped 1000’s of Martial arts schools grow and has over 20 years experience running martial arts schools.
Gordon has been training, teaching, and working in the Martial Arts industry for nearly twenty-five years. After earning his first black belt, he went on to win three consecutive World Titles against guys half his age. In 1998, in the midst of his competitive career, he launched his own dojo which still runs today. After retiring from the competitions, he decided to focus more on helping others in the MA business while still running his club.
Burcham has trained with industry giants like Alfie Lewis and developed his street-smart business attitude working with top business coaches. He is now considered one of the foremost authorities on peak performance in the business side of the MA industry. He has proven his techniques work through the transformation in his own personal life, athletic career, and business as well as those of his coaching clients. Burcham teaches that success is the result of forming good habits and moving forward.
He is a real-life success story going from bullied school kid to earning multiple world titles, and his MA school is currently one of the most successful in the UK. Gordon loves self-development and helping others, enjoys travel and family time. He is now learning how to fly planes and pursuing a speaking career!
Learn How to Become Black belt in Business.
Learn -Develop - grow and you will succeed
See for privacy information.

2023 Gordon Burcham

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